
Hello!!! WELCOME to our PSU Writing Center Blog!!

How are you guys?

I hope that you guys get through the DEAD week well!!

Okay, today I’m going to talk about some vocabulary that might be hard for international students!

All of these words are from the TOEFL or GRE!

So, I hope this blog helps you to improve your English!

Then, here we go~~!!

  1. Invaluable

Meaning: Extremely useful, valuable beyond estimation.

Synonyms: Priceless, precious, extremely useful.

Ex) The research should prove invaluable in the study of children’s language.

Ex) The computer is now an invaluable tool for the doctor.

2. Exterminate

Meaning: To kill all the people or animals.

Synonyms: Destroy, eradicate, root up, wipe out

Ex) The Holocaust was a methodical effort to exterminate an entire people.

* The Holocaust : the mass slaughter of European civilians and especially Jews by the Nazis during World War II.

Ex) You have to use pesticide to exterminate roaches.

3. Plausible

Meaning: Of an excuse or explanation reasonable and likely to be true.

Synonyms: Probable, acceptable, believable.

Ex) It sounds plausible, but I don’t think it is possible in practice.

Ex) It is plausible that there are other civilizations from the space.

4. Insatiable

Meaning: Not able to be satisfied and wanting more and more of something.

Synonyms: Greedy, unquenchable, voracious.

Ex) The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal.

Ex) The market is insatiable and exhausts natural resources.

5. Obstinate


  1. Not willing to change your ideas or opinions.
  2. Difficult to cure.


  1. Stubborn, determined, unbending.
  2. Incurable, refractory.

Ex) The boy was obstinate and would not listen to his mother.

Ex) He has an obstinate syndrome called Nephrotic, chronic and recurring disease.

These are FIVE vocabulary words that I prepared for today!

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

THANK you and HAVE a GREAT day!!!!!!

See you soon!!!!



Hello!!! WELCOME to our PSU Writing Center Blog!!

How are you guys?

And How was your Thanksgiving Day?

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!!

Okay, today I’m going to talk about some vocabulary that might be hard for international students!

All of these words are from the TOEFL or GRE!

So, I hope this blog helps you to improve your English!

Then, here we go~~!!

  1. Frugal

Meaning: Careful to spend money and buy only something necessary.

Synonyms: Saving, economical, thrifty, sparing.

Ex) Mary is so frugal that absolutely nothing is ever wasted by her.

Ex) All the people in my family are frugal with their money.

2. Immutable

Meaning: Never change or cannot be changed.

Synonyms: Unchangeable, unalterable, invariable, constant.

Ex) Scientists are constantly seeking to discover the immutable laws of nature.

Ex) The priority is to establish a precise and immutable set of rules.

3. Perpetual

Meaning: Continuing forever.

Synonyms: Constant, everlasting, continual.

Ex) Due to the perpetual noise of traffic, he couldn’t sleep last night.

Ex) That was a perpetual problem.

4. Competent

Meaning: Capable of doing something well.

Synonyms: Capable, qualifiable, adequate.

Ex) Johnson is the most competent student in my class.

Ex) He’s very competent in his work.

5. Contempt

Meaning: A feeling that someone or something is unimportant and deserves no respect.

Synonyms: Scorn, disregard, disrespect.

Ex) She looked at him with contempt. 

Ex) His treatment of his children is beneath contempt.

These are 5 vocabulary words that I prepared for today!

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

THANK you and HAVE a GREAT day!!!!!!!

See you soon!!!!



Hello!!! WELCOME to our PSU Writing Center Blog!!!

How are you guys?

Do you guys have any plans for Thanksgiving Day?

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving break!!

Okay. Today, I will talk about some vocabulary that might be hard for international students!

All of these words are from the TOEFL or GRE! So, I hope this blog helps you to improve your English!!

Then, here we go~!!

1. Apprehend


  1. To understand something
  2. To arrest someone
  3. To expect with anxiety, suspicion, or fear


  1. understand, comprehend, catch
  2. arrest, take into custody
  3. worry (about), care about, be anxious about

Ex) Their parents failed to apprehend why their children were behaving like that.

Ex) The police apprehended the man armed with a shot gun.

Ex) Most students feel apprehensive before the school examination.

2. Flatter


  1. To praise someone in order to please them and get something from them
  2. To believe something good about yourself although others may disagree


  1. Praise ~~ too much, butter up, adulate
  2. Swell

Ex) He always tries to flatter boss with compliments.

Ex) David flattered himself that he was the best driver.

3. Disseminate

Meaning: To spread ideas or knowledge to a lot of people

Synonyms: Disperse, spread, distribute, scatter

Ex) There are people who like to disseminate false reports.

Ex) The newspapers disseminate information to the public.

4. Languid

Meaning: Taking energy or activity, drooping from exhaustion.

Synonyms: Unenergetic, listless, lifeless, sluggish

Ex) I feel too languid to work.

Ex) The extreme heat made everyone quite languid.

5. Mitigate


  1. To make milder or more gentle
  2. To make less severe


  1. Appease. alleviate, soothe, relieve
  2. Lessen, reduce, moderate

Ex) Nothing he did could mitigate her wrath; she was unforgiving.

Ex) We need to mitigate the dissipation of resources.

These are FIVE vocabulary words that I prepared for today!

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

THANK you and HAVE a GREAT day!!!!!!!

See you soon!!!!



Hello!!!! WELCOME to our PSU Writing Center Blog!!

How are you?? How’s your semester going so far?!

I hope it’s going well !!

I’ve brought some words from TOEFL or GRE for international students who want to learn more English words 🙂

I hope you like it!! Then,,, here we go~~

  1. Complacent

Meaning: So satisfied with your situation that you do not try to improve it

Synonyms: Self-satisfied, smug, unbothered

Ex) We must not become complacent to ourselves.

Ex) In spite of his fame, the pianist never became complacent. He continued to practice playing the piano throughout his brilliant career.

2. Impede

Meaning: To delay or stop the progress of something

Synonyms: Hinder, hamper, block, obstruct

Ex) Weeds clog waterways, destroy wildlife habitats, and impede farming.

Ex) A negative thought may impede the flow of your work. 

3. Irritate

Meaning: To makes someone feel angry

Synonyms: Annoy, bother, anger

Ex) He was irritated to see her kissing with someone else.

Ex) His constant joking was beginning to irritate her.

4. Dwindle


  1. To become gradually smaller
  2. To fall away, as in quality


  1. Diminish, decrease, lessen, shrink
  2. Decline, fade away, backslide

Ex) At this time of the year, the number of students in the school tends to dwindle.

Ex) China banned some domestic logging to protect its dwindling forests.

5. Ostentatious

Meaning: Intended to attract notice and impress others

Synonyms: Showy, pretentious, flaunting

Ex) John was a noisy, ostentatious man who loved to talk about his yachts, cars, and fancy jewelry.

Ex) They have surplus money but are not ostentatious about what they buy.

These are 5 vocabulary words that I prepared for today!

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

Thank you and have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you soon!!!!!



Hello!!!! How are you??

WELCOME to our PSU Writing Center Blog!!

I’ve brought some words from TOEFL or GRE for international students who want to learn more English words 🙂

I hope you like it!! Here we go~~

  1. Altruistic

Meaning: Thinking or caring for others more than yourself

Synonyms: Unselfish, charitable

Antonyms: Selfish, egoistic, self-centered

Ex) I don’t like people who pretend to be altruistic

Ex) Selfless and altruistic, she left many to mourn her generous heart when she died.

2. Inquisitive


  1. Interested in learning about a lot of different things
  2. Asking too many questions about things, especially secret things


  1. Curious, questioning
  2. Prying, nosy, snoopy

Ex) All the children seem to be inquisitive about grown-up affairs.

Ex) Don’t be so inquisitive. It’s none of your business!

3. Transient

Meaning: Continuing for only a short time

Synonyms: Temporary, ephemeral, momentary, transitory

Antonyms: Eternal, endless, permanent, lasting

Ex) Businesses should not be proud of transient advantage. 

Ex) New York City is a city with a large transient population.

4. Endorse


  1. To sign your name on the back of a check to make it legal
  2. To give support or approval to someone, especially through a public statement


  1. Sign, underwrite
  2. Approve, affirm, confirm, support

Ex) If you want to cash this check, endorse it, please.

Ex) After much discussion, the committee decided to endorse the new budget.

Ex) We can’t endorse the statements of this witness.

5. Apathetic

Meaning: Feeling or showing no interest or enthusiasm.

Synonyms: Indifferent, disinterest, unconcerned, uninvolved

Ex) He is so apathetic that he doesn’t even answer my questions.

Ex) It’s a pity that most people are apathetic to the vote.

These are 5 vocabulary words that I prepared for today!

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

Thank you and have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you soon!!!!!



Hello guys! WELCOME BACK to our blog!!

Last week, I introduced about TOEFL and GRE vocabulary words that might be hard for international students! I hope that helped you guys 😊😉

So, today I brought more words to explain to you!!

I hope you like it 😁 Alright,,, let’s begin!!

  1. Restrain


  1. To control your own emotions or behavior
  2. To physically control the movements of someone
  3. To stop someone from doing something, often by using physical force


  1. Inhibit, suppress, repress
  2. Detain, imprison, lock up
  3. Inhibit, regulate, control

Ex) She barely managed to restrain herself from eating more.

Ex) While showing the house, the man assaulted her with a weapon and attempted to restrain her.

2. Tenacious


  1. Persistent in maintaining; Very determined and not willing to give up easily.
  2. Good at remembering.


  1. Stubborn, persistent, determined, insistent
  2. Retentive

Ex) I think he may lost his job because he was too tenacious.

3. Gregarious


  1. Enjoying being with other people
  2. Tending to form a group with others of the same kind


  1. Sociable, outgoing, companionable
  2. Social

Ex) Unlike his gregarious brother, Jack is a shy person who does not like to hang out with friends.

Ex) Reindeer are highly gregarious and travel in herds.

4. Reiterate

Meaning: To say something repeatedly in order to emphasize it; to state or do over again or repeatedly.

Synonym: Repeat, do over again

Ex) The boss reiterated his view on the issue of the product.

5. Intimidate

Meaning: To make timid or fearful; to make someone feel frightened so that they will do what you want.

Synonym: Threaten, frighten, bully, browbeat

Ex) Car bombs were set off in the military’s attempts to intimidate them.

Ex) He tries to intimidate his opponents.

Okay, these are 5 vocabulary words that I prepared for today.

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

Thank you and have a great day guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hello, guys! Pittsburg State Univ. Writing Center Blog is came back!!

I missed you guys! How are you??

Okay. Today, I will talk about some vocabulary that might be hard for international students!

All of these words are from the TOEFL or GRE! So, I hope this blog helps you to improve your English!!

I’m going to explain the word’s meaning, synonym, and examples for each!

Alright, let’s begin~!~!!!!!

  1. Susceptible


  1. Likely to be infected with a disease
  2. Capable of something
  3. Easily impressed emotionally


  1. Vulnerable
  2. Liable to
  3. Sensitive, receptive

Ex) Today’s children are so susceptible to the lure of television and video games.

(*Lure: Something that entices one to lose one’s way.)

Ex) Another critical factor that plays a part in susceptibility to colds is age.

2. Obsolete

Meaning: No longer in use or no longer fashionable because something better has been invented.

Synonym: Outmoded, outdated, unnecessary

Ex) This type of computer is obsolete.

Ex) He wants to get his money’s worth before the appliance becomes obsolete.

(*appliance: A word that refers to tools, machines, etc.)

3. Obscure


  1. Not clearly understood or expressed.
  2. Not well known
  3. To make something unclear or difficult to see


  1. Unclear, murky, vague
  2. Hidden, unknown
  3. Block, veil, hide, blur

Ex) The student’s writing is so obscure that it is very hard to understand.

Ex) He is working on an obscure poet in the eighteenth century.

Ex) His musical ability has been obscured by his other accomplishments.

4. Precarious


  1. Not stable; not secure; not steady
  2. Depending on uncertain circumstances


  1. Unstable, insecure, hazardous, unsafe
  2. Risky

Ex) The bird’s nest was in a precarious spot on the swaying branch.

Ex) Lack of savings makes life precarious for Millennials.

5. Futile

Meaning: Producing no useful result.

Synonym: Vain, useless, unsuccessful, profitless

Ex) It was futile to complain about the injustice of the system.

Ex) It is futile to argue with his mother once she has made up her mind.

Today, we learned 5 vocabulary words that might be confusing or hard to memorize.

How was it?? Was it too hard or too easy?!

If you write your opinion about how difficult it was for you, it will help us a lot to choose the words for next time!

I hope these words helped you to improve your English vocabulary!

Thank you and have a great day guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!